INSECTUM IN (…) – work in action started during the pandemic thanks to online meetings between the choreographers Tereza Ondrová and Silvia Gribaudi, who asked themselves these questions:
What would be life like if we looked at the world from
the perspective of an insect?
Can we turn our lifestyle around by drawing inspiration
from other living beings?
How can we shift an anthropocentric vision of the world?
These questions arose during the project INSECTUM,
created by artists Elisabetta Zavoli and Sara Michieletto.
In INSECTUM IN (…), Tereza Ondrová and Silvia Gribaudi
have explored this concept through the use of their
Have you ever felt like an insect?
How can we change our perception of the world in this
moment in history, and find new ways to adapt to the
time we are inhabiting?
Silvia Gribaudi and Tereza Ondrová’s project stems from the IN-SECTUM research conducted by Elisabetta Zavoli, a photographer with a degree in environmental science and a master’s degree in photojournalism, and Sara Michieletto, principal violinist in the orchestra of the Teatro la Fenice, during an artistic residency in the Adolfo Ducke reserve near Manaus in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, where they created images and sounds to bring people closer to environmental issues and shift the anthropocentric viewpoint of existence. In INSECTUM, the research is based on viewing the world from the insect’s point of view.

choreographers and performers Tereza Ondrová e Silvia Gribaudi
light design Katarína Morávek Ďuricová
technician on tour Paolo Tizianel
production Temporary Collective / Daniela Řeháková e Associazione Culturale ZEBRA
coproduction Tanec Praha z.ú./ TANEC PRAHA, PONEC – dance Venue e Operaestate Festival Veneto – CSC di Bassano del Grappa
with the support of Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Hlavní město Praha, Tanec Praha z.ú. / PONEC – dance Venue, Studio ALTA, REZI.DANCE – Komařice
Duration: 50 minutes